Thinking of popping the question?

Charlotte Winship :: Tuesday 6th December 2022 :: Latest Blog Posts

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As 2022 draws to a close we are looking back on all the fantastic weddings we have had the privilege to host here at Hope Farm.  Please do have a look in our Real Wedding gallery for pictures from some of the weddings which will hopefully give you some inspiration for your own barn wedding here. 

 All our dates for 2023 are now booked but we have lots of availability for 2024 and beyond so please do get in touch to find out more.

 In the meantime, if you are thinking about popping the question to your other half over the festive season then here are our top tips for planning the perfect marriage proposal: 

  1. Choose a meaningful place.An engagement proposal doesn't have to take place in an exotic location.  It could be a favourite picnic place, a walk you both like to take, or the place where you met for the first time. 

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  1. Say it with food. Breakfast in bed, a relaxed picnic or a romantic evening dinner.  Home-made food is always a winner when it comes to affairs of the heart.  A fancy restaurant can be a bit overwhelming for wallflowers so a simple, well prepared private meal for two can be the perfect occasion for a marriage proposal. 

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  1. Be surprising. A marriage proposal doesn't have to be a big performance.  Sometimes the more spontaneous the better!  If the moment feels right then pop the question.   

  1. Be meaningful. Marriage is a big commitment so a marriage proposal should be made with feeling.  Try not to be too irreverent in the moment.  Plan what you are going to say and speak from the heart.    


  1. Record it. Take a photograph to record your marriage proposal for posterity.  It's an exciting moment and you will want to remember it and share it with your loved ones. 


  1. Involve your children. If you have young children together then share this special moment with them. Make it a family event.  Or if you don't have human children then share the moment with your animal children.

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  1. Celebrate it. You don't have to have a big engagement party.  Maybe a quiet dinner for two or a drink to celebrate accepting the marriage proposal and the life decision you have made. 


  1. Don't forget the ring! It doesn't have to be an expensive diamond.  Rings come in all shapes and sizes (and prices!) so you are sure to find something that will meet your budget and your partner's taste and style.  If you can, check their ring size before you make a purchase or ask if it can be adjusted.  Or maybe you want to choose the ring together after your marriage proposal?

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However you decide to make your marriage proposal, we are sure it will be a romantic occasion. 


And once you are engaged, and thinking about where you would like to get married, we would love to hear from you!  We still have dates available throughout 2024 and would love to talk to you about how we can help you plan the perfect wedding day at Hope Farm.